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Sponsorship Opporutunities

Raw Mind Sports is a sports show and podcast that is growing exponentially.  We launched our first show in April 2018 and have gained so much interest in such a short time.

Our audience consists of a wide variety, mostly sports fanatics.  It is available to watch on YouTube and Facebook and available to listen to on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Play, and other podcast players.

The number of listeners is rising weekly as we post new content. Sponsoring Raw Mind Sports will be a great opportunity for you to gain exposure to a growing audience nationwide. If you would like to advertise on the show, click on the graphic below:


Why become a patron?:

In order to continue providing valuable and entertaining content, support the Raw Mind Sports show's production costs and hosting fees so that we can continue to give the people what they want. 


Raw Mind Sports plans to use its podcast platform to provide new and interesting experiences for the people in the hometown of podcast host, Ryan Jones. We want to offer more events, opportunities, and more for youth, sports, and the community at large.

Rewards You Get As A Patron:

MVP Corner

If you pledge $1 or more per month:

A thank you/shout out on the show or site

Access to deals on merchandise.

Digital newsletter each month


Raw Access

If you pledge $5 or more per month:

Receive digital note or special newsletter each month

Access to deals on merchandise.
Name listed on show’s patrons list and a shout-out on a show. Access to RAW and unfiltered content that is not meant for everyone's ears.




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